United States

We are failing our immigrant communities: COVID-19 and the impact on remittances

“The process of remitting is more than just an economic transaction, it is also associated with the emotional and social processes that allow immigrants to stay connected to the ancestral homeland. For Central Americans, migrating North has not been an easy journey. Central Americans have been fleeing the economic, social, and political unrest caused by U.S-fueled civil wars and genocide, multinational corporate plundering, and corrupt governments. Once they establish themselves in the U.S, remitting becomes a way to show love, care, commitment, sacrifice, and to reassure family members that they are not forgotten. Providing financial assistance is also viewed as a sign of “making it,” and, unfortunately, many may even think that the long-term family separation and the psychological trauma is worth it.”

We are failing our immigrant communities: COVID-19 and the impact on remittances

Made in USA: Images of Incarcerated Mareros Perpetuate Fear of Migrants Amidst COVID-19

“La Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18, two of Latin America’s most infamous street gangs, originated in Los Angeles in the 1980s and were exported to Central America via the U.S. deportation machine. The gangs’ origins coincide with the start of the Salvadoran Civil War (1980-1992), whose primary actors were the Marxist-Leninist guerilla group known as the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the heavily U.S.-supported, repressive military government of El Salvador. Waves of Salvadorans were forcibly displaced from their communities throughout the course of the war, many fled to Los Angeles to escape violence, poverty, and instability.”

Made in USA: Images of Incarcerated Mareros Perpetuate Fear of Migrants Amidst COVID-19

Recovering Maya Roots

“Guatemala suffered a 36-year U.S.-supported Civil War (1960-1996), in which 200,000 people died, 83% of these victims were indigenous, and 1.5 million were displaced. The Guatemalan military, which collaborated closely with the U.S. military and government, was responsible for 93% percent of these deaths. The remnants of the war in Guatemala continue to be characterized by structural racism and violence, impunity, corruption, and poverty which has continued to force people to flee. During the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of Guatemalans were displaced to cities such as Los Angeles, Houston, New York, and Miami.”

Recovering Maya Roots

Beyond “Latinx Heritage Month” | Alejandra Mejía

Umbrella terms like “Hispanic,” “Latino,” and “Latinx” attempt to label an immensely varied group of people living in the United States, homogenizing differences in countries of origin, reasons for migrating, and historical experiences. This ethnic label, while sometimes a tool for unity, can also serve as a reductive ethnic category that overlooks unique cultures, experiences, and various levels of oppression and privilege (such as obscuring the experiences of Afro-Latinxs).

Beyond “Latinx Heritage Month” | Alejandra Mejía

Waves of Displacement: From Central America to Los Angeles | Adriana Cerón and Mildred Montesflores

For many Central Americans, Westlake became their first home after having to cross multiple international borders due to U.S.-fueled wars and genocide, military-controlled governments, natural disasters, and economic upheavals in their countries of origin. Families were separated and driven from their homes, including indigenous peoples in Guatemala who continue to be forcibly displaced from their lands to make way for large-scale farming, mining, and hydroelectric projects.

Waves of Displacement: From Central America to Los Angeles | Adriana Cerón and Mildred Montesflores

1.5 Gen Testimonios: How my Migrant Identity Informs my Politics | Alejandra Mejía

“Our story of migration is like that of many working-class Latin American immigrants: motivated by the search for better opportunities and, ultimately, for survival in countries where U.S. intervention and global asymmetrical power dynamics dating back to colonization have left limited options for people. Direct U.S. involvement in Panamá, where I lived from ages 3-11, can be traced back to the nineteenth century when what is now Panamá was a province of Colombia.“

1.5 Gen Testimonios: How my Migrant Identity Informs my Politics | Alejandra Mejía

In the Presence of Absence | Jonathon Burne-Espinoza

“Another thread, and the one that I feel most acutely: U.S. cultural imperialism has robbed us both of our cultural identities. The visceral awareness of lacking, the presence of absence (a phrase borrowed from the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish) which transcends time and space, spans across peoples who have had their lands, communities, bodies, and spirits stolen, commodified, and repackaged back to them disfigured in the rhetoric of diversity, humanitarianism, and progress.”

In the Presence of Absence | Jonathon Burne-Espinoza

Deconstructing your Summer Service Trip to Latin America: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned | Sourik Beltrán

“Service abroad” programs have been the subject of major controversy. From the exploitative photographing of black and brown children to issues of sustainability, it is clear that these trips do not produce the benefits that are often marketed by the sponsoring organizations. In fact, instances of outright harm caused by these programs are unfortunately common. Still, thousands of people continue to sign up for service trips every year with the hope that their presence abroad can somehow play a role in “improving” the world.

This is a guide for you, the well-intentioned person whose interest in relieving poverty (or perhaps in boosting your resume) has led you to book a service trip to Latin America.

Deconstructing your Summer Service Trip to Latin America: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned | Sourik Beltrán

1.5 Gen Testimonios: My Family’s Journey | Alejandra Mejía

“In recent years, my birth city has experienced growing rates of unemployment, poverty, and crime, becoming one of the most dangerous cities in the world with a murder per capita of 59 per 1,000 people as of 2016. This is especially true after the 2009 U.S. backed coup to remove democratically-elected Manuel Zelaya from the presidential office. Corrupt post-coup governments have been closely linked with police and drug cartels, which have only exacerbated the inequity, violence, and poverty in Honduras, leading many people, including unaccompanied youth, to embark on dangerous journeys to the North. I often wonder what my life would have been like had we stayed in Tegucigalpa, yet the social and political context of Honduras at the time drove my mother’s hard decision to leave and subsequently shaped the experiences of my family.”

1.5 Gen Testimonios: My Family’s Journey | Alejandra Mejía

How our Family Stories Shape Us: Identity, Cultural Memory, and the Central American Diaspora | Adriana Cerón

“Although I am glad to see attention finally given to the current plight of Central American refugees and migrants, I am appalled by the ways we continue to overlook decades of U.S. policy intervention in Central America and fail to connect how it has fueled migration since the 1980s. In doing so, we continue to ignore the long history of violence  against Central American peoples and their historical and socio-political experiences and analyses.”

How our Family Stories Shape Us: Identity, Cultural Memory, and the Central American Diaspora | Adriana Cerón

Fui una niña migrante: una memoria de resistencia y migración hacia Estados Unidos | Suyapa Portillo, Pitzer College

“Sin esos aliados migrantes de clase trabajadora centroamericanos, quienes resistían a un régimen de migración estricto que no reconocía refugiados, que hacía la guerra contra ellos en Centroamérica, no tendríamos el movimiento social en torno a la migración e inmigración que tenemos ahora.”

Fui una niña migrante: una memoria de resistencia y migración hacia Estados Unidos | Suyapa Portillo, Pitzer College

#AbolishICE Means Abolish Deportation | David Bennion

Repackaging ICE as kinder, gentler deportation agency with a new name will not put an end to the human rights abuses that have been highlighted and exacerbated under the Trump administration. The next Democratic president would simply revert to deporting immigrants en masse, just as President Obama did. Rather, ICE should not only be abolished, but its core function of imprisoning and deporting non-citizens must also be eliminated.

#AbolishICE Means Abolish Deportation | David Bennion

1.5 Gen Testimonios: Why I do this Work | Alejandra Mejía

When I first stumbled upon the term “1.5 generation immigrant” in college, I felt like it more closely captured my experience, rather than first or second generation immigrant labels. The deep disconnect I felt from all the nations which I belong to: at birth, Honduras, Panamá until age 11, and then the United States. Holding this in-between identity has allowed me to develop a distinct and critical understanding of global migration and a commitment to the work of Migrant Roots Media (MRM).

1.5 Gen Testimonios: Why I do this Work | Alejandra Mejía